Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Haberdashery and other things

The Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone, but the turkey is still in my refrigerator. Not to worry, I happen to love turkey leftovers.

Over the weekend I did two things. I made a hat, and I started another story.

The hat is for the purposes of costume this coming Saturday. Gypsy Bandwagon will be playing the "Dickens Festival" in Biltmore Village, and I felt I needed a hat. It's a top hat of the variety that you would expect from a 19th Century character. It makes me look about seven feet tall, and when complete will have a festive holiday ribbon on it. Right now it's sitting on my secondary drawing table where I am in the process of glueing on some trim to hide the seams.

As for the story I began, it's called "T.A.E." and while I haven't yet completed "Doctor Incubus", I've actually been thinking about "T.A.E." a lot longer. I don't want to say what it's about exactly, but it is a science-fiction tale that begins, more or less, at NASA during the early 60s. I should be able to get a good bit of information from my brother who works down at the space center. While he's not one of the old Canaveral guys, he's got as much knowledge about them as I should need to make this reasonably believable. Should be interesting.

Making the transition to writer of prose has been interesting too. I don't know what I'm going to do with all this stuff that I've written. I guess I'll have to start shlepping it around like I do my art. Oh well, "live and learn".

1 comment:

1000 black lines said...

No way, Gypsy Bandwagon play the Biltmore Village! What time will you be there?