Monday, December 22, 2008

Here I come a politic-ing so fair to be seen…

This morning my wife, Karin, was reading in Judges and found the name "Barack" means "thunder bolt".

"How delightful!" I mused as I was getting in the bath, "thunder bolts are Brief, Noisy, and Cause a lot of Damage."

Karin called my Dad on the phone and told him what I'd just said. Dad said, "Put it on the news and let it go around the world!" (Probably the most positive affirmation I've gotten from Dad in a month or so).

Now, this isn't to say that I'm going to be down on Mr. Obama. He's in a tough position. Everyone who has ever been President of the United States will always be next in line to be "worst President EVER". And by the time he leaves office, he too will have been (at least in some people's minds) the worst ever. Even George Washington faced this (it's true).

When one is elected President they are actually being elected official scape goat. Not a job I'd want.

And Mr. Obama is already facing criticism from both sides about nearly everything he's been doing during his transition. Some of it has even come from me.

But, as a gesture, I'd like to extend a Merry Christmas to the President Elect. And I'd also like to ask him (if he reads this) to tell his staff to quit emailing me (see last post).