Friday, November 04, 2005

Red letter day!

Today's been really interesting. No, I didn't get much done, that's true, but I've had a number of events happening.

First off, the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents Companion (from Two Morrows publishing, edited by Jon Cooke) got here today. I got coverage on many pages! Eight pages were devoted to the Solson "Thunder" book that I worked on with Michael Sawyer back in the 80s. But I also have art on a nuber of pages. So for anyone who cares, pages 148-155 features "our" Thunder Agents book. Page 39 has the cover of that book. Page 118 has a partially inked page of Dynamo by Lou Manna and me. Page 121 has a fully inked Dynamo page by Lou and me. Page 149 is incorrectly credited to Jackson Guice alone, it's actually his inks over my pencils. And page 158 is also incorrectly credited; while it's definitely Paul Gulacy pencils, those are my inks.

Imagine, getting mistaken for Butch Guice AND Terry Austin in less than 10 pages! Wow! Am I complemented.

Page 168 has a very nice cover piece I did (with inspiration from Lou Manna) back in '99. Page 172 has my inks over Lou again.

So, if I've counted correctly, that's 13 pages with my work on them, as well as more coverage than either Boris the Bear or ThunderBunny!

But on to other stuff.

Today I also got approached by a group who's developing an animated cartoon. They've got connections to an animation studio who has a "first look" deal with FOX. More on that as it happens.

Also got approached by some big time legal types…in a good way! I'm working out a commission deal with that contact, time will tell.

Hey! I just noticed that the Solson Thunder is even on the cover of the TA companion. Just to the right of Menthor's hand there's "our" NoMan.

You know something else I just noticed? This entry is beginning to sound a little too much like an old "Stan's Soapbox" from the 70s. So I'd better go before I start sounding too bombastic and sign off with "Excelsior!"



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