Monday, December 22, 2008

Here I come a politic-ing so fair to be seen…

This morning my wife, Karin, was reading in Judges and found the name "Barack" means "thunder bolt".

"How delightful!" I mused as I was getting in the bath, "thunder bolts are Brief, Noisy, and Cause a lot of Damage."

Karin called my Dad on the phone and told him what I'd just said. Dad said, "Put it on the news and let it go around the world!" (Probably the most positive affirmation I've gotten from Dad in a month or so).

Now, this isn't to say that I'm going to be down on Mr. Obama. He's in a tough position. Everyone who has ever been President of the United States will always be next in line to be "worst President EVER". And by the time he leaves office, he too will have been (at least in some people's minds) the worst ever. Even George Washington faced this (it's true).

When one is elected President they are actually being elected official scape goat. Not a job I'd want.

And Mr. Obama is already facing criticism from both sides about nearly everything he's been doing during his transition. Some of it has even come from me.

But, as a gesture, I'd like to extend a Merry Christmas to the President Elect. And I'd also like to ask him (if he reads this) to tell his staff to quit emailing me (see last post).

Friday, September 12, 2008

Voters against Spam!

When I began this blog, I intentionally stayed away from the topic of politics, and while I don't intend that this blog should become the typical "I'm right and you're wrong" political mish-mash--I'm going to tell anyone reading this a couple of things.

One: Early in the summer I was asked if I would care to send both Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama a note about what I thought were important issues they should address in their respective campaigns. Being a Christian in more than just name, I felt that it was my duty to do so, in hopes that either or both might take these things to heart.

A week or so later I began receiving e-mails from Mr. Obama's campaign asking for contributions. I got no confirmation that he'd even read any of what I'd written to him either by personal e-mail nor by his public statements about what he stands for.

I began by simply discarding the e-mails as they came. A minor annoyance as they came perhaps one or two a week. Then they went to daily. Then twice daily! I began pressing "report spam".

But apparently AOL will not honor "report spam" on politicians (at least not liberal politicians).

So after months of this abuse of my inbox, I decided to actually look at one of Mr. Obama's e-mails. Nothing of a great shock therein, his usual vague statements about "change".

Well, I've got "change" from Nancy Pelosi, Mr. Obama! I used to get dollars, now all I get is change. I don't need any more of that kind of change.

Anyway, I found an "unsubscribe" button in the e-mail and went there to unsubscribe. Bearing in mind that I had never "subscribed" to begin with. But when I went to submit my "unsubscribe" there was a video of Mr. Obama that had to be downloaded before it would allow me to submit.

I'm on dial up.

I've tried this approach several times and each time the result is the same. Today I attempted to respond to "" and got an automatic reply that said they didn't read letters sent to that address, that I must respond through the website comment page.

So I went there.

Same jazz. A video is downloading and my comment won't go through until it's done.

Does Mr. Obama's campaign think that I'll change my mind if I sit through another one of his vague speeches? "Oh, my! What was I thinking? No, please fill up my inbox with your semi-daily comments about nothing! I can see it all so clearly now!"

During all of this, Mr. McCain's campaign has not cluttered my inbox with letters.

I did get a very nice letter from Elizabeth Dole the other day, asking nicely if I'd mind if she sent me an occasional update on her campaign. "Why, thank you for asking, Mrs. Dole, I think I would like a note or two from you, since I actually plan on supporting your re-election campaign."

Two: This is all pretty silly stuff though, as I figure the race is over already. When Sarah Palin stepped up on the platform, that was it.

Everyone is talking about the lady. Everyone on both sides is talking about her.

Good for her.

I hope when she's President she'll do something about inbox spam.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

"Orphan Works" not addressing important issues!

Steve Haynie, treasurer for the Southeast Chapter of the National Cartoonists Societty, just sent this link on the "Orphan Works" legislation that is being discussed in Congress. You'll recall that this was a hot topic in 2006 that got dropped when that Congressional session ended, but it's back.

You may want to look at this testimony from a representative of the Copyright office at length. It's about 20 minutes worth of read (and like most "legalese" may cause mild headache and dizzyness in those of us not accustomed to its use).

While I have to respect that the Copyright office has done some to address concerns about throwing the doors open to copyright abuse that were inherent in the 2006 version of this legislation, the couple of bones they seem to be offering to the "other visual artists" (I have to say I sort of resent being listed as a sub-category of Photographers) don't appear to truly address the issues.

First of all they have allowed for owners of works that are not truly "orphaned" that are "mistakenly" used by another party to be "reasonably compensated". The rate of reasonable compensation appears to be set at $200. While this might be true compensation of some works at this time the Copyright office seems unaware that visual artists usually price their work by applying any number of criteria for the use.

Additionally, this "improvement" has a loophole that you might miss if you don't read carefully. If the "mistaken user" (I didn't notice a lot of use of the term "infringer" in this testimony) removes the offending work from use "quickly" he or she is not liable for that resonable compensation. In other words if some advertiser lifts your work, runs it during the Superbowl, you find out about it and they never run that commercial again, they don't owe you a red cent. At least that's how I read this.

There seems to be a rather Pollyanna-esque view on the part of the Copyright office that nearly all of the people clamoring to use "Orphaned Works" are museums and libraries. I'm not sure, but I suspect that most of us "other visual artists" would not mind if museums and libraries used our works even if we clearly hold copyright…unless it's uncompensated print sales, and things like that. This view ignores the fact that in the past twenty years that advertising agencies have resorted more and more to clip-art rather than hiring illustrators for unique creations. While this has offered them a greater profit margin, it's been rough on those of us trying to sell those illustrations. However, some of us have managed to get our work used in spite of this mentality, while others have adapted and packaged works for use as licensed clip-art.

This legislation seems to open the door to abuse by almost anyone in the advertising field. Offering them the opportunity to A) use any work they happen to see in their own local market hoping that the actual copyright owner will never be aware that their work has been infringed upon, B) that if caught they can hopefully argue that they were unaware that the work was NOT in public domain, and if all other remedies fail they can C) pay a minimal rate arbitrarily established by the Copyright office and not reflecting any of the criteria normally used to negotiate compensation.

In other words, this legislation says to would be art buyers: "Big sale on art today! All pieces just $200 (if you get caught)".

I am also particularly upset by a missing part of what should be inherent in Copyright protection; the right to associate my work with movements, products, or persons that I wish to be associated with. This is the cardinal rule I look at when negotiating any contract. I have never been simply a "gun for hire". I debate long and hard with myself before agreeing to work on any project, no matter what kind of compensation I am offered. By my reading, this legislation in no way addresses that right.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Actual news and some thoughts

I have three (count 'em THREE) comics coming out in 2008 and the year's just begun.

First off, Transfuzion Publications

Is releasing "Saint Germaine: Tales of an Immortal" which is already in the January Previews catalog and will hopefully be in a number of regular book stores as well. This TPB collection of the Saint Germaine series (originally published by Caliber) features a good 40 pages of my art, in a story about Casanova.

Second, Azzurn Publishing (look for the ads center page)

Is releasing "Adam Among the Gods". This book is all my pencils and inks, done in collaboration with my webmaster, Gary Scott Beatty, who also happens to be owner and publisher of Aazurn Publishing. I hope a lot of people will be buying Aazurn books, because then Gary will be able to pay me to do more! Look for Adam in the February Previews.

Third, (an outgrowth of the first event)

Negative Burn

Will be featuring a never before seen Saint Germaine story in the May issue of that anthology. If I understand it correctly it will be a Caliber reunion story. What happened is Gary Reed (not to be confused with any other Garys that I work with) got in touch with Joe Pruett after we worked out the deal for the ST.G TPB. Gary realized that we had another ST.G story that had never been published. Well, what we had was 18 out of 24 pages. Gary talked me into doing the last 6 pages and I just finished that up Friday. I scanned all the pages on Monday and they'll be lettered (in all likelyhood by Nate Pride who did a bang up job on my work at Caliber) and solicited in March.

The interesting thing is that I actually drew the bulk of the story back in 1998, after doing the bulk of the Casanova issue mentioned above. Someone else was supposed to do the framing art, but for one reason or another couldn't complete that assignment. So Gary had me draw some additional pages to "Casanova's Lament" and that was ST.G issue #9. I was set to draw the additional pages of the "new" story when Caliber went out of business. Now ten years later I found myself trying to draw in my old style.

To make things even more interesting, the story is about reuniting people after a long time apart. So life does imitate art!

Look for this "Caliber Reunion" soon.

I hope everyone reading this buys 200 copies of all of these soon to be released books. That would make a huge contribution to paying off some of my bills. Think about it. ;)