image © copyright James E. Lyle
My buddy, Matt, e-mailed me today and reminded me of the fact that I hadn't posted much artwork here lately. Not in so many words mind you. He was talking about other stuff (like maybe even some paying gigs for me as an artist). But he did remind me. So, being as he's the guy who got me started with this whole blogging thing I thought I'd better upload an image to ImageShack® and see if I could actually still do this sort of thing. We'll see. I'm pretty rusty.
After some fiddling, an image is up! Hooray!
Okay, now about the image. Several years ago on Halloween, my wife, Karin (the famous one in our family, but not the punk guitarist of note) was teaching late. I was bored and decided to design a costume I thought she'd like. This is the result. It was done in color pencil on a sheet of tracing paper, then affixed to a sheet of illo board and scratched with an x-acto knife to make the whisker effects.
I'm still proud of the results after all this time and actually still send this out as a portfolio sample from time to time. In fact, I'm doing that today, between everything else.
There's been a lot of "else" lately. Which explains why I haven't been blogging. Which brings us full circle.
Now I have to go check an e-mail from Matt. Go figure.